Long term stays (over 6 months)


Foreigners that wish to do a voluntary service for more then 6 months have to get a recommendation for an Entry Visa from the Auroville Foundation, the legal umbrella of Auroville. This applies also for Student Internships. This is done by applying through Savi. Indian Citizens do not have to follow such requirements, as no Visa is required.


Working conditions

The assignment may be half time (from 18 hrs to 24 hrs/week) or full time (35 hrs up)  and with some flexibility so as to enable volunteers to participate in Auroville life. A mentor will follow –up the volunteers’ activities and progress.



Participants in a voluntary service or traineeship are solely responsible for their own insurance cover. Thus, a liability and repatriation insurance is necessary.


Financial conditions

Volunteering implies no “paid work” as it is a “service” for Auroville. No remuneration is allowed for a student, a trainee or a volunteer. However, in kind support of food, transport and lodging may be offered by the hosting unit. A refund of 20 %  on the Guest House fee is given to the Volunteers after 2 months; this is done at the Financial Service. A Volunteer Contribution will be required upon registration; discounts are offered to volunteers by several services like cafeteria, swimming pool, classes and workshops.


Vacations, cancellation/interruption of the stay

A volunteer or student who holds a visa recommended by Auroville (Entry Visa) is not entitled to take leave outside of Auroville without notice; vacation time must be discussed with the hosting unit, and if exceeding 2 weeks time must be notified to the Auroville Foundation through Savi. In case of premature departure or change of unit decided by the volunteer, contact Savi who is accountable for a monthly reporting. An interruption or termination of a voluntary stay, made without notice by a volunteer, will be brought to the notice of the Auroville Foundation Office, with possible consequences such as cancelling the visa granted by Indian Authorities.


Volunteer Agreement

If you plan a long-term stay (6 months of more), Savi will send you a form to clarify and summarize the details of the intended assignment.
This volunteer agreement is to be filled and signed by the Hosting Unit and by the Volunteer.