Auroville International (AVI)
The association “Auroville International” (AVI) is a worldwide network set up with the aim of supporting the Auroville International Township in India. Founded in 1983, Auroville International has its legal basis in the Netherlands and has today member associations, affiliated groups and liaison addresses in 31 countries.
One of the main functions of Auroville International is to support Auroville in all possible ways, which includes the making of representations to national, international, governmental and non-governmental organisations.
Important roles of Auroville International is to act as a channel for funds to Auroville’s projects, and to improve the information flow between Auroville, Auroville International and its member associations, affiliated groups and liaison addresses , and provide financial and other support to its members and associated organizations.

Role AVI’s play in regard to Students and Volunteers
AVI associations in the world are displaying all necessary information about Auroville and its activities.
For example, AVI Germany is the support organization for the Weltwärts” volunteers, who come to Auroville for a 1 year solidarity experience.
AVI centers are willing to get more closely involved with young people. They could do research about government sponsored programs, or university programs and could help by networking and partnering with their national institutions.
Find the AVI centre of your country, to get a rich and friendly information on Auroville.