
Auroville residents are legally defined by the Government of India as “honorary voluntary worker” of Auroville; in the same spirit, temporary residents coming from outside to participate and learn from Auroville are welcome as long as they remain aligned with its ideals and values. Hereafter are some guidelines on the conditions to integrate harmoniously in the community as a volunteer, a student/intern or researcher.

To be registered as an Auroville volunteer, you must meet the following requirements:
• Be at least 18 years old at the time of registration.
• Commit to a period of 2 to 6 months (renewable, with a maximum overall period of 18 months). For foreigners, this commitment is dependent on the duration of their X-Entry visa (6 or 12 months).
• Commit to volunteering for a minimum of 25 hours and a maximum of 36 hours per week.
• Reside in Auroville-registered accommodation.
• Do not receive any stipend or salary during the volunteering period.
• Driving a motorized vehicle requires an Indian driving license.


Both Indian and foreign volunteers must register at Town Hall or Guesthouses and obtain an Aurocard. Registration for volunteering and visa is managed by the Savi office, where a registration form is filled out and signed by the hosting place and accommodation manager or the Housing Service.


Volunteers and Newcomers have distinct statuses, managed by different working groups: Savi for volunteers and Entry Service for Newcomers. While Newcomers can receive a maintenance, volunteers are not permitted to receive any stipend or allowance. (see details in the Volunteer or Newcomer page).

Compliance with Indian regulations

Foreigners must possess a valid passport and an X-2 entry visa as per the Auroville Visa policy recommended by the Auroville Foundation. All volunteers must:
• Comply with the Constitution and laws of India.
• Follow the Auroville Foundation Act of 1988.
• Adhere to the Charter of Auroville
• For X-Entry visa, registration within 14 days of arrival in India at the FRRO Pondicherry is mandatory for a stay exceeding 180 days. If registration at the FRRO is not done within 14 days, a fee of Rs. 5,000/- will be charged by the FRRO.


Residing in Auroville guesthouses and housing is mandatory. Any change of housing must be reported.


All activities must align with the overall Auroville framework and adhere to its policies. Volunteers must be registered with a primary unit for a minimum of 25 and a maximum of 36 weekly hours as per their volunteering agreement. While volunteers are allowed to contribute to other projects in their free time, it is crucial to ensure that this does not lead to any misuse of the system.
To maintain transparency and fairness, any unit that engages a volunteer who is not primarily registered with them must report to Savi. The report should include the number of hours the volunteer is contributing, a description of their mission, and whether they are receiving any form of support from the unit.
This ensures that volunteers are genuinely contributing without seeking financial gain and that all activities are properly documented and aligned with Auroville’s policies.
Volunteers should not receive any commission for any workshop, classes or commercial activity they are giving.


Residing in Auroville accommodation is mandatory, with any change of housing to be reported to the Savi office.


Volunteers and interns are self-supporting and do not receive salaries.
A financial contribution to Auroville of 900 Rupees per month is required from all volunteers, which might be paid by the unit.
Units may offer in-kind support, including paying the contribution to Auroville, food, and accommodation up to a maximum of 12,000 Rupees.
For foreigners, a contribution to cover the administrative cost for the visa is required by Savi (Rs. 1500/- + GST from the volunteer, Rs. 800/- from the host unit); plus courier charges for sending the Recommendation letter (approx Rs. 2,000/- to Rs. 3,000/-).


Departures from Auroville require filling out a departure form at the Savi office.

Foreigners leaving Auroville for more than two weeks must inform the RRO (Bureau of Immigration). A maximum period of 3 weeks will be allowed for traveling within India. Travel to the home country for more than 2 months (3 months maximum) is only permitted for emergencies or unavoidable circumstances.

Special conditions for long term stays

If you plan to come as a volunteer for more than 180 days, or if your internship plan requires a special recommendation from Auroville, please read the page Long term stays.

  Frequently Asked Questions regarding Volunteering

In Auroville we are all volunteers, offering our best energies, our time, and our work, for the accomplishment of a common vision. While Aurovilian resident volunteers have made a life-lasting commitment, temporary volunteers test the waters and usually stay for a defined period of time.

1) Who may volunteer? anyone 18 yrs or older who meets the requirements.

2) As a foreigner on a Business or Employment or Study visa can I be a volunteer?  NO. Foreigners must either have an Entry visa( X-2) .

3) How do I find a Unit to volunteer with? visit

4) How do I become a registered SAVI volunteer?: visit our office at  Town Hall Complex, over the cinema Paradiso, Mon – Fri 9.00hrs to 12.15hrs. 

5) Can I be a registered volunteer if not staying in an Auroville property?  NO. Residing in Auroville guest houses/ Homestays, Sharing a house with an Aurovilian or in a staff quarters of an Auroville Unit is mandatory. Any change of housing must be reported to  Savi.

6) Is there a monthly contribution for a registered volunteer? YES. Rs.900 payable by either the Volunteer or the Hosting Unit. This contribution goes to Auroville Collective and not to Savi office. 

7) Are there any reductions/cost savings as a registered volunteer? Some Auroville units/eateries/workshops/therapies offer discounts.

8) Can I get paid for my volunteer work? NO. There must be no remunerated work or financial gain through volunteers’ assistance in whatever organization. Volunteers and Interns are self-supporting and do not get any salary for their work.

9) Can I get my lodgings and/or food paid for?  Not usually, but is sometimes possible and is up to the Hosting Unit who you volunteer with.

10) What is the minimum period of volunteer work required to be registered?  2 months at a minimum of 25 hrs a week. (which will be a probationary period).

11) What is the maximum period?  6 months for Indian Nationals and OCI holders. (renewable).

12) Can I change the place where I volunteer?  Only under special circumstances, and to do so you will need to re-register with Savi.

Some General Information for Volunteers

When you arrive in Auroville you will need to complete an Arrival Form either at your Guesthouse or at Guest Registration Services (Town Hall). This will entitle you to a Guest AuroCard.  While there are many guest houses and homestays around Auroville, only guests staying in a registered Auroville residence are eligible to receive an AuroCard. The AuroCard serves as your identity card, showing you are a registered guest of Auroville and is required for attending many cultural events. The Aurocard can also be set up as a debit card for your expenses within Auroville (Most Auroville units do not accept cash).

Volunteering registration (and RRO visa registration for foreigners) are done at the Savi office. A Volunteer Agreement/Registration Form is filled out and signed by the hosting place and volunteer. This is to clarify the mutual expectations between the hosting unit/mentor and the volunteer, including your future conditions of stay: the objective of the mission, arrival/departure dates, accommodation, budget, etc.  A Volunteer Pass is then issued to you by Savi and should be carried with you at all times.


When your placement in a hosting unit is confirmed you can ask them if they can help you find affordable accommodation. Some Auroville units/projects have staff quarters for Volunteers, while others do not. For a larger exploration of housing possibilities, please contact Auroville Guest Accommodation Services: Note that as a volunteer you can also find accommodation in the hostels reserved for volunteers only, such as Celebration, La Maison des Jeunes, Mitra and Youth Hostel. 


Volunteers are solely responsible for their own insurance which should cover civil liability for damage to a third party, health, and repatriation.

Volunteer WhatsApp Group:                                                                                                                  

We have a WhatsApp group “Volunteer info. Sharing” which all active volunteers may be part of to share information. Let us know if you are interested. When you finish your stay in Auroville please remove yourself from this group.

Long Term Stay on an Entry Visa :

Foreigners intending long-term voluntary service or internship for 9 – 12 months need an X-Visa (Entry Visa) obtained by receiving a letter of recommendation signed by the Auroville Foundation. This is a lengthy process usually taking about 6 – 8 weeks minimum and up to 4 months.

This means that the Auroville Foundation extends its guarantee normally reserved to its permanent residents to foreigners who come temporarily. 

The counterpart of this protection entails obligations of complying with formalities, such as:

registering in the RRO of Pondicherry within 14 days upon arrival if the duration of stay exceeds 180 days, signing an agreement with an Auroville Unit/activity at the admission, residing only inside Auroville, responding to a monthly reporting to Savi.

Foreigners sometimes do not realize the implications of this policy for Auroville and underestimate its requirements. Take this matter seriously and make conscious use of the visa obtained from the Auroville Foundation, it has great value and requires a lot of work!

Volunteers on an Entry visa are not entitled to leave Auroville without notice. The unit may grant leave-in specific circumstances and Savi has to be notified for any leave longer than one week.  If the Unit or Volunteer wishes to prematurely terminate the agreement Savi must be informed. Resolution may take the shape of reassignment of the Participant to another host. An interruption or termination of a Volunteer Agreement, made without notice by a Participant will be brought to the notice of the Working Committee and the Auroville Foundation Office. Consequently, undue cancellation will invalidate the purpose of the visa granted and will be reported to the concerned Indian Authorities.  

Disagreements/ Problems:

Any disagreements/problems between a volunteer and the hosting unit must be reported to Savi who will attempt to ensure that the situation is properly resolved.

The transition from Volunteer to Newcomer:

At the end of a 6-month voluntary service, it is possible to apply for becoming an Auroville resident, and then start the “Newcomer” probation period which usually takes 12-18 months.

“News & Notes”: the weekly internal newsletter delivered to all Units and available online at

Essential Shopping:

City Center:

  • Food Link Distribution Center: fresh & organic produce payment with AVcard only.
  • Kottakarai:
  • H.E.R.S.: payment with AvCard or cash.
  • Kuilapalayam:
  • Pour Tous Purchasing Service: payment with AvCard only.
  • Auroville Bakery: payment with AvCard or cash.
  • Health Center Pharmacy: personal care items, payment with AvCard or cash.

The places listed below offer discounts for volunteers:

  • Visitor Center Cafeteria  (Visitors’ Center) Tanto Trattoria Pizzeria  (Kuilapalayam)
  • Auroville Bakery Café (Kuilapalayam) Neem tree (beside library)
  • La Terrace (above Solar Kitchen) Coffee Break  (Kuilapalayam)
  • Yashi’s Café  (Kuilapalayam) Pitanga Cultural Center
  • Sound Bath (Unity Pavillion) Quiet Healing Center (ECR)

Some important contacts:

Auroville Safety and Security Team- 9443090107/ [email protected]

Ambulance – Auroville 9442224680

Hospital (PIMS) 041326556271

Emergency Service in India: 108

Auroville School Board: [email protected]