After almost 10 years of activity in introducing external requesters of stays into Auroville life, we have named our activity “Savi”, a Tamil word meaning “key”; this is an image that expresses our vocation of being a doorway between inner and outer needs in the domain of “unending education”_ as the Auroville Charter expresses it. Thus, we have a double mission of serving both the community needs and the outer world’s requests of educational stays.

Facilitate a fruitful experience in Auroville
to students, interns, researchers and volunteers
- Giving information and answers to enquiries, through emails, reception desk, orientation program,
- Putting people in touch with Hosting Units, with duly assistance in the administrative, financial, housing, logistics aspects,
- Accompaniment through personal follow-up, interviews, events until departure.
Assist Auroville community in their Human Resources search
for Hosting units’ heads and mentors,
- Collecting data on current needs and offers,
- Enhancing the educational role of mentors,
- Networking with International Institutions/Universities for student exchange programs