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Last School
History and today’s organization:
Last School is a middle/high school which has existed in Auroville since the year 1985. The students age is from 14 to 18 years and above. The education is based in the method “Free Progress”, an approach that requires the school structure and programs to be as diverse and supple as possible, in order to respond to each student line of progress. In addition, we also have sessions with adults exploring Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy and art classes.
Vision and Missions:
Last School educational process wants to develop the student’s faculties of the mind, the powers of the will, the refinement of the aesthetic and emotional being, and build all of this upon a strong and balanced physical being.The teacher’s task is to suggest, not to impose, and a broad process of consultation is fundamental to the school approach.
School program:
The program available covers many languages, literature and poetry, the pure sciences, biology, mathematics, social sciences, philosophy, computer programming, film editing and Arts, on which there is special emphasis. The activities are worked out for students individually with the choice of subjects and teachers. If the student has a wish to learn something specific or to be involved in the larger activities of Auroville, that can be arranged. The Last School collectivity is a highly complex network of personalized timetables for students and teachers. Many classes use the ideas of Mother and Sri Aurobindo.
Location:Cultural zone, Auroville