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53 Opportunities for type : Skilled & Technical Work

Daily tasks: To take part in the construction of bamboo projects, in collaboration with experienced designer/architect/technicians/workers at the bamboo centre. Once the training is provided, different challenges/tasks will be identified for the volunteer, in keeping with the vision of bamboo centre.
Daily tasks:

The daily task of the Volunteer depends on their own committed activity in the Centre, such as helping with Desktop activities, preparing & arranging materials & supplies, supporting indoor and outdoor works. Can also help in technical & hardware works.

Goal  and Expected outcomes:

To collaborate in the development of Kuilai Creative Centre with skills to support existing activities or bring in their expertise to initiate new programs which are in line with our goals. Additionally, they can create sources, guide and support for fund-raising. The Volunteer should commit and show their involvement with a broad-mind, without any hesitations.

Daily tasks: The task is to manipulate sanskrit data on a computer software, extracting it from large encyclopedic sources to feed into various forms of outputs : the sanskrit dictionary, posters or learning portals. The volunteer will work with ancient sanskrit texts, the written marks of ancient oral traditions.
Daily tasks: Preparing patients for dental work. Helping with infection control by sterilizing and disinfecting instruments, setting up instrument trays, preparing materials, and assisting with dental procedures.
Daily tasks: Produce detailed drawings of the constructions using a design software (AutoCad, Sketchup...)
Daily tasks:

Hands For Earth is a unit of Auroville, promoting mindful construction practices to provide social, ecological and economical solutions to a conscious living.

Office Maintenance, Site supervision and coordination