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53 Opportunities for area : Community & Social Change

Daily tasks: To take part in the construction of bamboo projects, in collaboration with experienced designer/architect/technicians/workers at the bamboo centre. Once the training is provided, different challenges/tasks will be identified for the volunteer, in keeping with the vision of bamboo centre.
Daily tasks:

The daily task of the Volunteer depends on their own committed activity in the Centre, such as helping with Desktop activities, preparing & arranging materials & supplies, supporting indoor and outdoor works. Can also help in technical & hardware works.

Goal  and Expected outcomes:

To collaborate in the development of Kuilai Creative Centre with skills to support existing activities or bring in their expertise to initiate new programs which are in line with our goals. Additionally, they can create sources, guide and support for fund-raising. The Volunteer should commit and show their involvement with a broad-mind, without any hesitations.

Daily tasks: Volunteers will take part in all aspects of developing the housing and garden. They will take part in the construction of bamboo huts, in collaboration with experienced workers of the Bamboo center. They will work on the development of the garden, using permaculture principles. After a period of time, a committed volunteer could take over the coordination of the project.
Daily tasks: Different activities/helping hand can be identified ranging from paper cutting ,card board cutting ,  gluing , trimming, painting etc. The WELL women will decide the timing of your gradual stages of involvement in the production. Many additional opportunities can also be taken up at WELL by the volunteer with  gardening, compound maintenance, store room help, packing and parceling help, photos up loading, empowerment classes etc.  A volunteer is also free to explore other activities and suggest new ideas of generating income for the WELL women empowerment program.
at Arom
Daily tasks: Part of the task is office work: keep the contact and update the clients, answer the mails, organize exhibitions,..other part is field work which includes travelling and visiting clients and being in contact with local rural craft.
Daily tasks:

Tasks will be allocated only after an interview via Skype and then in person once arrived. Our team encourages each youth to work on an area they are truly inspired to work on. Matching skills and interests play a key role in engaging volunteers for true, committed work towards the collective manifestation of Auroville’s ideals. Tasks could include: Website Management, Visual Documentation, Written Documentation , Event/Workshop Organization, Curriculum Design Support, Data Gathering & Processing, Writing for various Publications, Networking with Youth in India/Abroad.

Daily tasks: Building and empowering The Green Silk Road Cohesion Council; Developing cohesion and trust between the several GSR stakeholders and entities; Organizing regular events, creating community relationship Conceptualizing the growth of The GSR stakeholders and implementing project strategy Looking for appropriate forms of governance and relations