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50 Opportunities for area : Services & Manufacturing

Daily tasks:

The daily task of the Volunteer depends on their own committed activity in the Centre, such as helping with Desktop activities, preparing & arranging materials & supplies, supporting indoor and outdoor works. Can also help in technical & hardware works.

Goal  and Expected outcomes:

To collaborate in the development of Kuilai Creative Centre with skills to support existing activities or bring in their expertise to initiate new programs which are in line with our goals. Additionally, they can create sources, guide and support for fund-raising. The Volunteer should commit and show their involvement with a broad-mind, without any hesitations.

Daily tasks: Stock-take in Tamarind’s outlets (AV site visits, e-mail communication), Packaging, Quality control, Delivery of products to AV outlets - Updating and developing social media – facebook, Instagram, website - Marketing and sourcing new customers - package development with designer.
Daily tasks: Stock taking, Boutique visits to assess sales and requirement of more stock, website updating, setting up monthly plan for production and report, checking stocks and balances
Daily tasks: Volunteers & Interns have quite similar role while working in our bamboo community. They will be given after a proper guidance and an opportunity to attend one of our workshops, different challenges of designing/ making/ experimenting/executing numerous carpentry projects as required for the community and in keeping with Bamboo Centre’s vision.