No Opportunity Found

History & Today’s organization
Earthauz is an architect studio based at the International House (previously American Pavilion) that whas built under Manu’s supervision. It has been implementing its extensive research in terms of recycled material for construction in building the extension of International House.
At present, the focus is on a large community building project, experimenting with new ecological building techniques and recycled materials to provide a large number of dense affordable housing for Aurovillians, Newcomers or long time volunteers.
The building process as well as its outcome aims at building a community, sharing principles of sustainable living, responsibilities, food production and resources.
Vision & Missions
Earthauz aims to to develop affordable intermediate technology in construction using natural & recycled materials, participatory design and self-help construction. The practice therefore draws upon local traditions, materials and needs.
EartHauz is the project holder of Sacred Groves, an emblematic sustainable project of building affordable and ecological housing for young ([email protected]).
Leaders & Team
The current construction project led by Manu involves a large group of volunteers, and students in architecture, energy or other subjects. The project welcomes all enthusiasts of experimental building techniques and those willing to commit to the building of such an ambitious project.
Location:International Zone