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Pony Farm

History and Today’s organization:

Pony Farm is a residence in Auroville where occupied by various activities run by Auroville residents; one plot has been allocated to Arlet, who is an artist and interior designer, to create a series of housing based on the prototype that she has designed.

Vision & Mission: 

Arlet is preparing the construction with a friend for the sanitation systems and an engineer for the construction supervision. Construction has started in February 2015. It is a concept of quickly built, affordable and ecological housing. It is a project for volunteers and Newcomers housing. Plans are made for 6 family
houses of 85 sqm each, 8 single houses of 40 sqm, so for a total of 40 people.
Starting date is planned 20/1/2015 to end mid-2016.

Leaders & Team:

There is no formal team since it is a residence of Auroville (we say “community”); Arlet will be the (feminine) host of this voluntary service.


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