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Opportunities for Languages : English Basic

Daily tasks:

We offer various arts and crafts to our children. We have full-time teachers for tailoring, clay work, theatre work, music and singing, and dance. We invite volunteers who have skills to share them with our students. The schedule of classes will be adjusted to find time for the skills being offered by the volunteer.

Daily tasks: We have a daily program of sports and physical education. The volunteer may be generally interested in sports or may have a special skill in football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, athletics and gymnastics (swimming). The sports program is 6 days a week, for 2 hours Monday to Saturday, 3 PM to 5 PM. The volunteer will be expected to conduct classes for a group of students. the volunteer should prepare earlier in the day the format and activities mentioned in consultation with a senior teacher.
Daily tasks: A training workshop will be provided. Thereupon, numerous challenges will be identified as designing/experimenting/implementing numerous furniture design projects. A time bound project will be chosen for the volunteer in keeping with the community and bamboo Center's vision. The daily tasks can be devised by the volunteer accordingly.