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16 Opportunities for type : Manual Work & Production

Daily tasks:

The daily task of the Volunteer depends on their own committed activity in the Centre, such as helping with Desktop activities, preparing & arranging materials & supplies, supporting indoor and outdoor works. Can also help in technical & hardware works.

Goal  and Expected outcomes:

To collaborate in the development of Kuilai Creative Centre with skills to support existing activities or bring in their expertise to initiate new programs which are in line with our goals. Additionally, they can create sources, guide and support for fund-raising. The Volunteer should commit and show their involvement with a broad-mind, without any hesitations.

Daily tasks:

-Farm work , which includes planting , weeding , nursery work, seed saving, harvesting ,food processing
-Helping in planing and conducting workshops and tours.
-Help with Video filming and editing for the youtube channel.
-Designing a website and flyers.
-helping with technical things like extending and perfectioning the irrigation system.

Daily tasks:

Coming to work with horses and children 5 afternoons (incl weekend) 4.30 – 6.30pm, helping children connect, brush, and experience sitting safely on the 4 ponies and 3 horses.

Coming for 2 hrs per day to take care of the horses  - taking them to the fields, shower, brush. No hard physical work is expected, but oversight and empathy with the 7 horses